The Broken Mirror

Project Manager
working with
June 2018
August 2018

Citlali Diaz, Skyler Johnson, Andrew Mendoza-Knecht, Lilliana Pesina


Unity, Adobe Photoshop


SAY Sí [San Antonio Youth Yes] is a year-round, long-term, tuition-free arts program for high school and middle school students in San Antonio.

Broken Mirror created for a HIVE SAY SI GAME JAM, we had 3 weeks roughly 8 hours each week to create a game from scratch! With the theme of "CONFLUENCE"

A teenage boy dealing with personal issues finds himself at a party where he discovers a different kind of reality. While in this alternate reality, he talks to significant people to mend hearts and deal with issues, at the same time trying to figure out how to get back to his world.

Silver Medal at the 2019 National Scholastic Art & Writing Awards


Organized through Trello

From the jump we tested out a no leadership role, we collaborated and worked together and voted for how the game was going to play out, granted this leadership style made creating slightly difficult, it was still fun nonetheless!  

The game evolved and departed from an abstract character art style. in retrospect, I wish we followed more of a consistent style throughout the game. However, the team did good for the short time we had.

At the end we gave a presentation to the HIVE, New Media, Studio.

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